Monday, August 1, 2011

Sump's full of beans

This story deserves a longer post, but for the sake of a quick update:

I pulled the sump and found a nice fine sediment at the bottom, with the only large particles being o couple of threads from the stripped drain plug hole.

Once I cleaned it, however, I noticed something more worrying:

Yup, that's a crack. Not all the way through, but a good millimeter thick, and it wasn't the only one. Enough to get me hunting for a replacement. Found one for R200 from the nice guys at Two Wheel Mecca. Managed to find a standard o-ring that fitted as a seal. Honda would've made we wait 3-4 weeks and R107, as opposed to R12 for 2 at All Seal in Maitland. Specs: 3.53mm thickness, about 220mm diameter (code 2-266/R4800).

 However, no-one seems to carry aluminium washers. I must have asked at least 5 places!

Anyways, I got a bit carried away with the polishing...

This from a part that was so dirty, I initially thought it was spray-painted black! Got it fitted, went for a nice 15min ride (hit 8000rpm a couple of times), got back and no oil leaks. Well, not from the sump, anyway :P

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